As a total solution provider in aerospace, KAI has been taking leading role in national aviation industry and security with successful development of KT-1 Basic Trainer, T-50 Advanced Jet trainer, FA-50 Light Combat Aircraft, KUH-1 Utility Helicopter and RQ-101 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Currently KFX and LAH/LCH program which is future growth engine are under development.
In addition, KAI is extending its scope to space business by participating the development such as Korea Multi-Purpose Satellites, Compact Advanced Satellite 500 and Defense Satellite, as well as Korea Space Launch Vehicle.
KANG, Goo-young
1 OCT 1999
(KOREA WON)Capital
(KOREA WON)Total Assets
(DEC 2023)
Ahn, Hyun Ho
President & CEO
Birth 1957
1976Choongang High School (Seoul)
1981Department of Trade, Seoul National University
2012Awarded the Order of Service Merit with Yellow Stripes
2013The Story of Korean, Chinese and Japanese
Economies: "Who Will Win the Game?"2017The Story of Korean, Chinese and Japanese
Economies 2: "The Korean Economy Needs a New Path"
1981Passed the 25th national examination for
high-level public officials2005Head, Bureau of Industrial Technology Policy
2007Head, Bureau of Industrial Policy
2008Head, Office of Planning and Coordination
2009Head, Office of Industrial Economy
2010Vice Minister, Knowledge Economy
2011Chair Professor, the Graduate School of
Dankook University2011Vice Chairman, the Korea International
Trade Association2016Advisor, KPMG
2018The 7th President, Korea Polytechnic University
2019President, Korea Aerospace
Industries, ltd
Creates the future of Korea’s aerospace industry
Global Partner
KAI is growing as a global company together with customers all over the world.